Off-Grid Green Hydrogen Production

Green hydrogen has been a hot topic for several years. With the EU importing large quantities of hydrogen and with manufacturers converting generators and engines to use hydrogen, the need for hydrogen is only going to grow. Hence, everyone is looking for a way to cleanly produce large quantites of hydrogen through renewable resources at a price that makes sense. At MGR, we are part of a group that has found a way to do that.

Producing Green Hydrogen Completely Off-Grid at Low Costs

Traditionally, green hydrogen cost more to produce than blue hydrogen, so did not garner a major interest from the hydrogen and renewable communities. However, using the Oasis, we are able to produce green hydrogen completely off-grid. This allows us to speed up the construction process and also reduce the cost of green hydrogen to levels unheard of and make green hydrogen nearly as cheap as blue hydrogen.

If you would like to know the details, please contact us for more information.

With the help of our partners
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